Why Autistic Children Do Not Want A Hug?

Scientists claim to have discovered the cause of why children who develop autism do not want to be touched or hugged, even by his own parents.

This response was obtained after the scientists examined people with Fragile X syndrome This is a genetic disease often associated with autism. Syndrome is also known as a major cause of mental retardation and learning difficulties that are hereditary.
The results showed, Fragile X causes delayed development of censorship on the part of the brain, called the cortex, which functions respond to the touch. Domino effect triggered by this development cause existence relationships between brain cells become disrupted.

Fragile X is caused by mutations of genes on female X chromosome which affects the formation of synapses, which connect important network of nerve cells in the brain. Because boys have only one X chromosome, they become more vulnerable than women affected by this syndrome. As for the women who have two X chromosomes, the effect is not going to be too large if one chromosome disrupted. Boys in general are more vulnerable autisme than women.

As reported in the journal Neuron, the scientists of the United States doing research on mice which suffered from Fragile X. From the research found that the mutations that occur in these mice prevents the production of a protein that directly related to the synapse-forming proteins. This means that the development of synapses in the sensory cortex is delayed.

"There are critical periods of development of this final because the brain is very plastic and became very quickly. All elements of this rapid development should be coordinated so that the brain is properly connected and functioning properly," said lead researcher, Dr. Anis Contractor, from Northwestern University .

According to dr Contractor, those with Asperger's Syndrome disorder palpability (tactile defensiveness), became anxious, and often withdraw from social relationships. They do not want other people's eyes, not wanting to be hugged by her parents, and very sensitive to touch and sound.

"All this is causing anxiety for families and friends in the same manner as case with the Fragile X patients themselves. Now we understand, for the first time, what is wrong with their brains," he explained.

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