The signs of children or adolescents who experience addiction to pornography is not completely invisible. Parents must be aware of these signs can be done immediately so that treatment and family psychologist prevention. According to Elly Risman, Psi, on the sidelines of the 'Identifying and Overcoming Pornography Addiction in Children and Adolescents' at the University of Paramadina, Thursday (30 / 9 / 2010) yesterday, there were at least eight signs of a child or adolescent that avid picture, film or material pornografi.
This is it smell characteristics of children who are addicted to:1. Like be alone
2. Talk does not see the other person's eyes
3. Achievement in school decreased
4. Likes to talk dirty
5. behave slovenly (interesting bra strap, intentionally nudging certain body parts, etc.)
6. Like fantasizing about pornografi
7. Many drinks and many urinate
8. Like to watch, when stopped run amok (tantrums)
Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Randall F Hyde, PhD, an expert in the handling of pornography addiction, provides several ways to detect a child or teenager who has been addicted to pornography. 'The first is the record of history (in computer ) shows the many web-related pornography, 'he said. Parents can also use a technique called' ink spill '. 'We accidentally spilled ink on paper and ask your child to say what the image is created through ink spills. Because of the things he explained is an association of the reality of what he knew. Another way is to ask the child to draw her (male or female). Randall says, parents should be suspicious if a child is able to draw and explain very well certain body parts outside knowledge their age. For prevent child sexual addiction, pornography, Randall strongly encourage parents to establish closer communication. 'Playing is an effective way to generate bond that makes kids protected from bad things,' said Randall.
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