Various Disease Senile Similar Disorders

In the Mayo Clinic's medical reference books mentioned, there are several conditions that have similar signs and symptoms of dementia (senility), particularly for parents. There are two conditions that are often mistaken for dementia, namely depression and delirium.

Depression can cause difficulty in remembering, thinking clearly, and concentrated. There are times when depression emerged in relation to dementia. According to dr Samino, SPS (K), Chairman of Indonesian Association of Alzheimer's disease, dementia may be accompanied disease behavioral disorders.

Why Autistic Children Do Not Want A Hug?

Scientists claim to have discovered the cause of why children who develop autism do not want to be touched or hugged, even by his own parents.

This response was obtained after the scientists examined people with Fragile X syndrome This is a genetic disease often associated with autism. Syndrome is also known as a major cause of mental retardation and learning difficulties that are hereditary.

9 Fatal Mistakes And Myths Wrong DIET

In order to lose weight in order to get a body which, according to "their" ideal, many people are persistent dieting, especially the women. Unfortunately, due to lack of information, much the wrong way of diet selected. The result, hunger struggle in vain, or only make you even more fat! Diet in addition to attenuate agency, recently has become expanding lifestyle. Especially among women a lot of dieting myths that circulate from mouth to mouth. But not all true you know. Here, I do not discuss how proper diet, but I will discuss the 10 diet myths that I think the myth is wrong. 10 Which myth that a diet that's wrong?

Forbidden Foods for Nursing Mothers

Certain foods or drinks below should not be consumed by breastfeeding mothers. Why? Here's why.
- Isotonic drinks These drinks usually contain sodium, calcium, potassium and substances the body needs the other. But if consumed when the body is not doing heavy physical activity, then the ion content in these drinks does not give positive effect.